Sleep Supplement – Deeper Sleep

Get 10% off Your First Order with Deeper Sleep


Discover the sleep expert's easy and delicious drink to fall asleep with ease. This method is backed by research from the Sleep and Neuroimaging Laboratory at the University of California, Berkeley.

See for yourself how over 19,000 Americans, who used to have trouble sleeping, now wake up feeling energized and with a clear mind. Men and women of all ages and conditions, no matter how they’ve been dealing with poor sleep, are now jumping out of bed each morning, fully recharged and ready to go.

1000’s of People ♥️ DeeperSleep

Don’t just take our word for it, read the reviews yourself.

"I absolutely love this! I can’t even remember the last time I slept so well."

"Amazing cocoa taste. My personal preference is this powder mixed with milk. I drink my cup, go to sleep, and wake up with a full battery. I love this lifestyle!"

"This supplement did some magic though. I finally started to sleep better and wake up refreshed!"

"Miracles exist, believe me!!! I don't have huge dark circles anymore when I wake up. I’m speechless."

"Worth it. Everybody should hit that order button because this one is worth it. Not many products are exactly as described, but I can guarantee this one is!"

"It's amazing how much it can fix and how well you feel after one week of taking it."

"It's amazing how much it can fix and how well you feel after one week of taking it."

"I absolutely love this! I can’t even remember the last time I slept so well."

"Amazing cocoa taste. My personal preference is this powder mixed with milk. I drink my cup, go to sleep, and wake up with a full battery. I love this lifestyle!"

"This supplement did some magic though. I finally started to sleep better and wake up refreshed!"

"Miracles exist, believe me!!! I don't have huge dark circles anymore when I wake up. I’m speechless."

"Worth it. Everybody should hit that order button because this one is worth it. Not many products are exactly as described, but I can guarantee this one is!"

Dr. Sam Thompson has worked on this 30-second method to help his sleep-deprived wife make up for the lost nights of rest.

Witnessing her struggle to fall and stay asleep, he dedicated a full year to researching and traveling, seeking the ideal solution to combat exhaustion. The lack of sleep didn't just affect his wife. It started to impact the doctor too, as he felt his anxiety levels increasing every night before his head hit the pillow. Dr. Thompson was determined to find a natural solution to help his family sleep better and regain their joy in life.

Now, this method is revolutionizing the way thousands of Americans enjoy their sleep every night.

Keep reading to find out the quickest way to enjoy deeper sleep without interruptions.

“My name is Dr. Sam Thompson. I'm a certified neurologist, specializing in sleep disorders, and a professor of Medicine based in New York City.

I've led the Neurology Sleep Disorders Center at Columbia University Medical Center for several years, and I've also worked at NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital and NYU Langone Health.

I'm regarded by many in the medical field as the leading expert on 'sleep disturbances'.

This is the ONE Thing That’s Making Sleep Harder After 40  

It's called BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor). Scientists also name it "the deep sleep molecule" and for good reason. It’s crucial for you to fall and stay asleep while clearing your brain of toxins.

After the age of 25, our brains undergo changes, and the deep sleep molecule starts to decline. Starting with 35, the levels go even lower, affecting our rest, memory and overall brain function. Take a look at this chart:

The “deep sleep molecule” that brings back the rest you need

When BDNF is at optimal levels, not only are you sound asleep, but it also flushes your brain cells of toxic waste. In turn, it means:

  • Your time spent in the deep sleep phase increases;
  • Your brain function is restored while your body’s tissues are being repaired;
  • You wake up feeling fully refreshed and energized;
  • Your muscles and entire body will feel stronger and relaxed.

Think back to those cozy nights from your childhood, wrapped up tight in your blankets, drifting off to sleep wherever you lay your head. Every morning, you were instantly bouncing out of bed, eager to see what awaited you. Every day felt like an adventure, with a clear head and endless energy.

This is exactly what you bring back when the deep sleep molecule is at its optimal level. You can finally have those peaceful nights and easy mornings back.

Fortunately, my intense research and practical experience have led me to discover a powerful yet entirely safe method to regulate the deep sleep molecule levels, giving you the restful sleep you've been daydreaming of.

I'll guide you through what I consider to be the most revolutionary method of combating sleep disruptions.

This inexpensive solution will help you fix your "deep sleep molecule" levels. No more waking up as if hit by a truck.

It doesn’t involve pills or any chemical-based solutions. If you’ve tried those, you probably know they’re not a long-term solution. They mostly just "numb" your brain, leaving you feeling groggy in the morning.

So, how do we get the deep sleep we need so badly, without upsetting the balance of our brain?


The first and only doctor-endorsed formula focused on rebuilding the BDNF community in your brain.

Overnight Vacation is a revitalizing sleep powder crafted with the help of renowned sleep specialist, Dr. Sam Thompson, to solve your sleep disturbances and help you wake up well rested.

This original formula aims to help you achieve the optimal level of “deep sleep molecules” and cleanses your brain. It's like giving your brain a refreshing detox while you sleep, so you wake up feeling strong and focused. With BDNF at optimal levels, your brain can relax and cell inflammation can become history.

You can finally fall asleep faster, and stay asleep longer!

Each morning, thousands of Americans wake up completely recharged. It's like they've just returned from the most relaxing vacation ever. They're full of energy and ready to start the day.

As they wave goodbye to sleep disruptions, an extraordinary transformation happens. They feel better, they look better, they are fully ready and excited to face the day!

Imagine forgetting what it's like to wake up feeling like a zombie, with a foggy brain. It's your time to fix your sleep and wake up refreshed.

I love how easy it is to mix this sleep powder with any liquid. And there's no weird taste!!! It really improved my sleep, and I wake up without those headaches. Plus, I feel like it even brightens up my face.

This isn't a bunch of sleeping pills. Those can be harsh on the nervous system and may do more harm than good to your brain if used for extended periods.

Our supplement uses all-natural ingredients, carefully blended to trigger the restorative sleep you've been craving. Overnight Vacation has an incredible ability to target the deep sleep molecule, also known as BDNF, detoxifying your brain, and preparing it for complete body and mind recovery.

How Overnight Vacation helps you achieve the perfect deep sleep

Overnight Vacation is a breakthrough formula designed to boost your "deep sleep molecules" and cleanse your brain of toxins. Clinical tests show that BDNF, the "deep sleep molecule," is vital for falling and staying asleep. Sadly, BDNF levels start to drop as we age, beginning around age 40. The potent and natural ingredients in Overnight Vacation aim to efficiently increase the levels of the “deep sleep molecule”, reducing tossing and turning, and quieting the busy mind that keeps you awake at night.

Feel at ease, focused and relaxed as you start your day, leaving grogginess behind.

Dr. Sam Thompson, a certified neurologist, expert in sleep disruption, and a professor of Medicine based in New York City

Overnight Vacation has helped thousands of Americans forget what sleepless nights feel like. Begging their mind to be quiet, tossing and turning in bed, and praying to fall asleep for at least one hour: all of this is history now. Overnight Vacation aims to help you forget all about that fatigue that follows you through the day.


It helps optimize the BDNF levels, also known as the “deep sleep molecule”,

at the same time preventing toxins from accumulating in the brain and causing inflammation.

Its unique combination of ingredients

works synergistically to create a formula stronger than melatonin alone, ensuring enhanced sleep quality and duration.

Its unique combination of ingredients

Not only does it promote restorative sleep, but it also brings you the glow you need, helping you regain your natural radiance after months or even years of sleeplessness.


It helps optimize the BDNF levels, also known as the “deep sleep molecule”,

at the same time preventing toxins from accumulating in the brain and causing inflammation.

Its unique combination of ingredients

works synergistically to create a formula stronger than melatonin alone, ensuring enhanced sleep quality and duration.

Experience a transformation from the inside out with our bespoke formula.

Not only does it promote restorative sleep, but it also brings you the glow you need, helping you regain your natural radiance after months or even years of sleeplessness.


Give your mind the break it needs

It's time you finally quiet that restless mind before going to bed. Give your buzzing brain the break it desperately needs and enter a peaceful, restorative sleep every night. You can officially stop tossing and turning while feeling wide awake. Your mind will be too calm to even bother counting. Enjoy a relaxed and anxiety-free bedtime routine, more serene than ever before.

Wake up with a good stretch and a wide smile on your face

Your body needs to recover from all those sleepless nights, and this is the solution. Finally, regain your zest for life and start the day feeling determined. Say goodbye to the devastating fatigue that made coping with the day almost impossible. Wake up with a good stretch and a wide smile on your face. It's time to feel powerful enough to take on any challenge that comes your way

Age backward as restful sleep clears your tired eyes

Are you ready to wake up with a sparkle in your eyes every day? Leave behind the irritated, tired eyes, and start looking as if you've just returned from the most relaxing holiday of your life. When you're well-rested, it shows from the inside out. Get ready to turn back the clock at least three years, because you'll look younger and fresher every day.



Instead of constantly begging your brain to quiet down for at least an hour to catch some sleep, Overnight Vacation brings ultimate relaxation, removing any stress and anxiety. It also helps you stay asleep longer, achieving deep sleep, which is the most restorative phase of the night.


Jump out of bed brimming with energy every morning. Overnight Vacation provides uninterrupted sleep, making you feel reborn. Imagine never having to deal with the tiredness that made it hard for you to stand on your feet. Wave hello to a new you and a new lifestyle!


Overnight Vacation keeps sleepless nights away and reinstalls the bright, vibrant look that catches attention wherever you go. You'll get up from your bed with confidence and motivation, prepared to face the world anytime, anywhere. Your skin will radiate with a healthy glow every day, just as it should!


Common Sleep Solutions

Yoga and Meditation

Offers immediate relief from anxiety, but slow results and may not address the root cause.

Tea and Tinctures

Provides short-term calming effects, but may not have a lasting impact.

Sleeping Pills

Offers immediate relief but comes with risks of addiction, side effects, and dependency.

Overnight Vacation Tonic

Addresses sleep troubles by boosting your "brain fertilizer" (BDNF), ensuring deep sleep and energized mornings.

The all-natural formula brings you deeper sleep without the risk of becoming immune or dependent on it.

With Overnight Vacation, you can enjoy restful sleep without ever having to deal with dependency or withdrawal symptoms. The natural formula means saying goodbye to the worries of side effects from synthetic pills.

Natural ingredients, optimized for deeper sleep

We put together a completely unique formula, with herb extracts and scientifically proven ingredients

Mulungu Extract 10.1

Mulungu is a little-known ingredient that is twice as potent as melatonin. Despite its strength, it acts gently, without causing next-morning grogginess. It’s the one ingredient that makes you sink into the cozy bed sheets, and feel like a child that has just been tucked in bed for a long, deep sleep. Mulungu extract is the fuel for your restful nights. You will wake up thankful for the most restful sleep of your life. What's fascinating is not just its individual strength, but also its synergistic effect when combined with melatonin. Together, the power of both ingredients increases, offering a potent solution for enhanced sleep quality and duration.


This ingredient teams up with Mulungu to help you sleep like a newborn. Overnight Vacation contains just the right amount of melatonin to prevent morning grogginess and dizziness. A sprinkle of melatonin works magic and blends perfectly with all the other ingredients.

Together, melatonin and Mulungu reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the number of hours you stay asleep. They are the superheroes on duty, making sure sleepless nights never take over you again.

Chamomile & Passion Flower Extract

Chamomile and Passionflower are two key ingredients in Overnight Vacation Tonic, also promoting deep, restorative sleep.

With each ingredient we add, we're preparing you for the sleep you've been craving. Chamomile doesn't only promote a general feeling of relaxation. It also helps you fall asleep after that first yawn and keeps sleep disruptions away.

Teaming up with other natural wonders in our blend, Passionflower also works its soothing magic, inviting you to snuggle up in your sheets and enjoy a night of uninterrupted, blissful sleep.

Collagen, Vitamins E & C

Prepare to look younger day by day! Hard to believe? That's probably because you're accustomed to the zombie-like appearance after struggling to fall asleep and spending countless hours tossing and turning at night. Collagen brings the solution to that, working perfectly with the other ingredients that promote restful sleep. Collagen is vital in making the refreshing feeling you have inside radiate on the outside. After a restful night, you'll be feeling and looking like you've been reborn.

In addition to collagen, vitamins E and C serve as excellent beauty enhancers. They help maintain skin firmness, delay the onset of wrinkles, and can even provide relief for dry lips. So, this trio of ingredients works in harmony to demonstrate the "before" and "after" effects of restful sleep on your appearance.

Magnesium & Zink

Magnesium and Zinc are the dynamic duo that complements the natural formula of Overnight Vacation. While we've established that you'll definitely sleep like never before and recover from all those sleepless nights, these two ingredients bring even more benefits to the table:

Strong bones? Tick.
Muscle relaxation? Tick.
Completely recovered from head to toe after a perfect deep sleep? Tick.

These two ingredients together tick so many boxes for you to completely forget about the fatigue and lack of motivation that used to haunt you after those restless nights.

Vitamin B6

Yes, B6 comes as a final addition to our ingredient list, bringing one more extra benefit. In your journey to better sleep, waking up recharged, and looking refreshed, your tired eyes will also find relief. When you lack sleep, your vision can become blurry, and your eyes may appear red most of the time.

Vitamin B6 is not only known for addressing symptoms of depression and ensuring mood regulation but also for promoting eye health. This means that you will no longer have to deal with dry, itchy, or bloodshot eyes in the morning. This is your opportunity to forget completely about the stingy eye sensation and maintain healthy vision.

Mulungu Extract 10.1

Mulungu is a little-known ingredient that is twice as potent as melatonin. Despite its strength, it acts gently, without causing next-morning grogginess. It’s the one ingredient that makes you sink into the cozy bed sheets, and feel like a child that has just been tucked in bed for a long, deep sleep. Mulungu extract is the fuel for your restful nights. You will wake up thankful for the most restful sleep of your life. What's fascinating is not just its individual strength, but also its synergistic effect when combined with melatonin. Together, the power of both ingredients increases, offering a potent solution for enhanced sleep quality and duration.


This ingredient teams up with Mulungu to help you sleep like a newborn. Overnight Vacation contains just the right amount of melatonin to prevent morning grogginess and dizziness. A sprinkle of melatonin works magic and blends perfectly with all the other ingredients.

Together, melatonin and Mulungu reduce the time it takes to fall asleep and increase the number of hours you stay asleep. They are the superheroes on duty, making sure sleepless nights never take over you again.

Chamomile & Passion Flower Extract

Chamomile and Passionflower are two key ingredients in Overnight Vacation Tonic, also promoting deep, restorative sleep.

With each ingredient we add, we're preparing you for the sleep you've been craving. Chamomile doesn't only promote a general feeling of relaxation. It also helps you fall asleep after that first yawn and keeps sleep disruptions away.

Teaming up with other natural wonders in our blend, Passionflower also works its soothing magic, inviting you to snuggle up in your sheets and enjoy a night of uninterrupted, blissful sleep.

Collagen, Vitamins E & C

Prepare to look younger day by day! Hard to believe? That's probably because you're accustomed to the zombie-like appearance after struggling to fall asleep and spending countless hours tossing and turning at night. Collagen brings the solution to that, working perfectly with the other ingredients that promote restful sleep. Collagen is vital in making the refreshing feeling you have inside radiate on the outside. After a restful night, you'll be feeling and looking like you've been reborn.

In addition to collagen, vitamins E and C serve as excellent beauty enhancers. They help maintain skin firmness, delay the onset of wrinkles, and can even provide relief for dry lips. So, this trio of ingredients works in harmony to demonstrate the "before" and "after" effects of restful sleep on your appearance.

Magnesium & Zink

Magnesium and Zinc are the dynamic duo that complements the natural formula of Overnight Vacation. While we've established that you'll definitely sleep like never before and recover from all those sleepless nights, these two ingredients bring even more benefits to the table:

Strong bones? Tick.
Muscle relaxation? Tick.
Completely recovered from head to toe after a perfect deep sleep? Tick.

These two ingredients together tick so many boxes for you to completely forget about the fatigue and lack of motivation that used to haunt you after those restless nights.

Vitamin B6

Yes, B6 comes as a final addition to our ingredient list, bringing one more extra benefit. In your journey to better sleep, waking up recharged, and looking refreshed, your tired eyes will also find relief. When you lack sleep, your vision can become blurry, and your eyes may appear red most of the time.

Vitamin B6 is not only known for addressing symptoms of depression and ensuring mood regulation but also for promoting eye health. This means that you will no longer have to deal with dry, itchy, or bloodshot eyes in the morning. This is your opportunity to forget completely about the stingy eye sensation and maintain healthy vision.

Here's How You Can Get Better Sleep AND Free Shipping

Dr. Sam here,

Since we've discovered the secret to better sleep with Overnight Vacation, thousands of people have been ordering more each day. You're going to love what it does for your rest.

Our customers have been thrilled with the results, noticing how much better they feel and how others have reacted to their newfound energy. Overnight Vacation has been flying off the shelves.

But with this success comes a challenge. Our production is overwhelmed, and what used to take 5 weeks now takes double the time. We're working tirelessly to keep up with orders and ensure everyone gets the recharging sleep they need.

That's why we recommend stocking up now with a six-pack supply of Overnight Vacation. Production delays could lead to months-long waits for a single batch.

By ordering in bulk, not only will you save money, but you'll also enjoy free shipping. Don't risk running out and having to start over again. Claim your six-pack supply today.

Whether you choose the three-pack or the six-pack, know that I'm here to support you every step of the way. Thank you for trusting us with your sleep journey.

Wishing you countless restful nights ahead!

Not 100% convinced you're sleeping better than ever before?

We're confident our product will revolutionize your sleep, but your well-being and satisfaction are our priority. Unopened and undamaged items can be returned within 15 days for a full refund. Once opened or used, products can't be returned.

Have questions or want to start a return? Just reach out through the 'Contact Us' section via email.

Most Frequently Asked Questions By Our Customers

Will Overnight Vacation help me sleep?

Absolutely! Overnight Vacation is specifically designed to improve sleep quality. It helps you fall asleep faster, stay asleep longer, and minimize disruptions during the night. With Overnight Vacation, you can expect to drift off into a peaceful sleep without any effort.

How much should I take?  

Sweet dreams are only one scoop away with our sleep powder. Mix it into your favorite drink before bedtime, enjoy the soothing taste, and let the powder work its magic. By taking the recommended amount, you’re setting yourself up for a night of perfect sleep. Imagine waking up feeling refreshed and ready to tackle the day with motivation. One scoop of our sleep powder ensures the desired effect on your sleep.

When should I take it? 

Simply mix one scoop of the sleeping powder with your favorite beverage, such as hot water or milk, and enjoy it approximately 30 minutes before bedtime. The soothing cocoa flavor will help you relax, making it easy to snuggle under your blanket and drift off to sleep.

How fast will I see the results?

Results may vary for each individual, but Overnight Vacation is formulated for immediate effects. Imagine effortlessly drifting into a deep, uninterrupted sleep each night. Your sleep quality will improve at the push of a button! Within less than a month, you'll likely feel extremely refreshed.

Do I risk not sleeping if I stop taking the supplement? 

There's no risk of dependency. And should you choose to stop using it, you can always return to it whenever you need to, like visiting a loyal friend. Overnight Vacation provides long-term benefits by addressing all aspects affected by restless nights. It calms the nervous system, strengthens muscles, and improves overall well-being.

Is it safe for pregnant and breastfeeding women? 

The safety of our Overnight Vacation sleep powder lies in its natural ingredient blend, which is generally considered compatible with breastfeeding. However, we recommend seeking advice from your healthcare specialist before trying any new supplement, including our product. They can provide customized support and guidance that takes into account your personal situation, helping you make decisions that are in line with your breastfeeding goals.

Can I take it with other medications?  

Our sleep powder is formulated with natural ingredients that are generally well-tolerated when used alongside other medications. Due to its natural formulation, the powder is unlikely to have any adverse interactions with most medications, making it a safe choice for your sleep routine. However, we always recommend consulting with your healthcare provider or pharmacist before starting any new supplement, including our sleep powder.

How Can I make it taste better?

Extra tips for making Overnight Vacation even tastier:

Try mixing the scoop of powder with milk instead of water for a creamier, richer taste. And if you drink it warm, the supreme coziness and relaxation are already installed.

For a spiced kick, you can also sprinkle a little cinnamon on top. This comforting aroma can help regulate blood sugar levels, reducing late-night cravings. And what happens when the late-night cravings stop? You easily fall asleep.

A pinch of nutmeg can also bring a special taste to your mug. It has natural sedative properties that can help reduce anxiety and improve sleep quality.

Find the perfect combination that helps you relax and enjoy your bedtime drink to the fullest!